Tuesday, August 30, 2011

& the CHALLENGE is..."FIT-budget"

  • HOW THIS WHOLE THING GOT STARTED:  so...my beautiful, sweet, perfect little angel of a child was born a little over a year ago :). therefore, i do not think anything else needs to be said as to where the "FIT" part of this came from. moving forward to the "budget" side...while setting at work & being my ocd/adhd self decided it was time i print out Zack & I's bank statement, go through it with different color highlighters, highlighting things in different catagories & find out just where our $money$ is going. by doing this i found that we were spending somewhere near $250 a month (give or take $50 or so) on eating OUT!!! not only has eating out been hurting our budget, it henders our health as well! with all that being said, when i got home & conversed with the hubby over this matter i found myself facing him with the CHALLENGE!

  • THE CHALLENGE: we are challenging ourselves & anyone else interested in doing this...to the following for 30 days - starting September 1st & ending September 30th. can WE do it!?                 1. getting at least 30-60minutes of exercise/physical activity EVERYday (work does NOT count as your 30-60mins & time does not carry over from day-to-day) this can include walking, jogging, running,kicking a ball together in the yard, volleyball, etc.                                                                  2. & NOT eating out anywhere. everything we eat/drink MUST come from the grocery store...meaning NO grabing fast food/eating at sit-down resturants/snacks from the convinent store/etc...you get the drift!

  • JOIN THE CHALLENGE :) - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO JOIN THIS CHALLENGE WITH US...THE MORE FOLLOWING, THE MORE MOTIVATION, THE EASIER IT WILL BE FOR US TO KEEP OUR GOAL FOR THE WHOLE 30 DAYS! WE GOT THIS! ***i know i can't wait to see the difference September 30th on our bank statement when i get to highlighting! -lol- & i'm sure i will be amazed at the difference in how i feel too! :) as i'm sure you will feel the same if you take the challenge!

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